The word Pranic is derived from the word “Prana”. Prana is a sanskrit word, meaning “Life force”, vital energy as articulated in the spiritual and healing systems of India. Similar to the ChineseChi, the Japanese ki, Ruach or the Breath Of Life in Hebrew.

Pranic healing is a highly evolved and tested system of energy medicine developed by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui. This highly systematic and scientific-based Pranic healing is a No touch based practice is called medical Chi Kung.

It is divided into two schools, i.e. Internal and External. The Internal Medical Chi Kung is more popular comparative to External. Internal is more exhausting and tiring. External Chi Kung School is less popular and known to public. This school uses chi energy from the air and earth and directs it to patient.

When a patient is going through a physical or mental pain, certain amount of its energy gets clotted on the respected areas. A healer then with his / her regular practice of meditation and techniques gets the bad clotted energy out of patient’s body. This enables the flow of energy to be normal, hence it releases a good amount of pain out of body.

Knowing the techniques from the right source followed by regular practice can make you a healer within months. Having faith and desire to release people from pain gives you first step on the ladder to becoming a healer.

This again is a topic that is taboo amongst many in our society. Questions arrived on how can you heal a patient from a distance or without touching them.


There are 11 Major Chakra’s in our body. Starting from

Crown chakra (Placed on head),

Forehead chakra (on forehead),

Ajna chakra (between eyebrows),

Throat chakra (placed on throat),

Heart chakra (on heart),

Solar plexus chakra (between the rib cage and the navel),

Navel chakra (on the navel),

Sarcal chakra (Private area),

Back heart chakra (back of the heart),

Meng Mein chakra (Lower back) &

Basic chakra (on the buttocks).

These 11 major chakra’s are situated under our Aura. These chakra’s have their own mixture of colors and sizes, hence colors don’t differ from person to person but sizes do.

We are all made up of energy, something that is scientifically proved. Pranic healing is a step ahead to use these energies and know our inner powers of self healing or healing people in need. Energy is the solution & the problem.

Every 11 Major chakra’s play a vital role for healing. When a victim / patient is going through some hard times either physically or mentally, it’s particular chakra’s  energy gets congested with some bad energies.

A healer then cleanses the affected area i.e. General sweeping to get rid of the bad / negative energy. All the bad energy is dumped in a bowl of salt water & successfully disintegrated.

A healer invokes blessings and energy from their Master Choa Kok Sui, Higher soul and all the Divine energy. They keep 20%of the energy with themselves (to make sure that they don’t run out of energy) and passes on the 80% energy to the patient. Cleaning the chakra’s properly and energizing them with right energy and colors, give’s 100 % result to the patient. Whole process of healing is done Without getting in Contact or Touching the patient.

“Light”‘ is the expression that always a patient denotes after a successful healing.

This is just a short overview on how healing works for people who are curious to know about this practice. It’s not taboo, it’s a simplified logic of using energy.

“You have magic in your hands, if you believe to make use of it in a right way”

Master Choa Kok Sui