6 Potential Causes of Hair Loss and Baldness

Abnormal hair loss is a very common issue, which is now growing natural at teen ages too. Hair loss can lower a lot of your self esteem and make you look older and ill too. It may seem a regular word for people who have not experienced, but the one who is going through knows that hairs play a big role in self esteem.

REASON :- The main reason of Hair Loss is to mainly do with our eating habits. Creams Ironing, hair spray, blow drying, coloring, straightening, everything comes secondary.

 1- Our eating habits have massively changed. We choose a handy burger over Salad on the way to work or college. One more reason is, burger costs $4 and salad cost $11. Practical choice!

2- Drinking water becomes practically impossible for people who works, or goes to school or college. C’mon you can’t go to washroom every single time you just tried to concentrate on some work, or get embarrassed in front of the whole class by taking permission to visit washroom again.

3- At home, we use elastic rubbers to have battle with our hairs. Especially at night!

4- Let’s be honest, many of us don’t even trim our hairs every 3 months, which is the essential part.

5- On top of all this, we Color it, Straighten it, Blow dry, washing with shampoos that already consist of harmful chemicals and what not.

6- Few people oil their hair for days, thinking it’s the best solution.

 Till the age of 25, we can use some home remedies. Before consulting any doctor’s, and paying high range of fees with heavy doses of capsules that sometimes doesn’t last after we stop the medication.

Solutions are simple, lined up in next blog, Hair Loss? (Sol).


As written on the previous blog Hair loss (RE), we read few of our habits which surely leads us to damaging hairs. Some of the solutions are very oblivious to all of us, but practically it seems impossible to follow them. Here are some of HABITS that we can inculcate for a better living.

 1 – Eat handy burgers with more of salad in it. Subway sandwiches, Taco with more fresh salad, Fruit plate, try eating more of iron, pulses, especially include green Capsicum in your daily diet.

 – Drink water immediately after waking up, before you meals and after coming home. (2 liter minimum)

 – Use Clutches than elastic rubber bands, especially at night.

 4 – Make sure that you trim your hair at least once every 3 months.

 – Try using herbal shampoo’s for a while for less strong chemicals

 6 â€“ Please do not think oiling hair day and night will keep it away from falling or help you grow hairs. Oiling is good but not for keeping more than 2-4 hours. It is a substance made to massage your scalp not to grow hairs. Our pores are very small, see the consistency of sweat that comes from scalp, it’s so light and thin and molecules of oils are very big and heavy that doesn’t enter our scalp. It’s good to use oil but the myth of keeping it longer will be beneficiary is not such a good idea.

 – Include coconut in your daily diet.

 – Avoid using Serums, Blow drying, hair spray and any other external things (oiling excluded) on your hair for sometime and let them just breathe. If you have to be presentable everyday, you can use bunning up your hair with clutches and pins, learning new styles to hide your hairs without using products.
