This Is How Successful People Make Decisions!

If you’re struggling to make decisions, you’re not alone.

Decision-making is a skill that most of us struggle with at the best of times, but sometimes, the methods we use create roadblocks.

We’ve all been there: you’re working on a big project or trying to make a decision about what’s next for your career, and suddenly it feels like everything is getting out of control. You can’t seem to find your way through the maze, and it’s making you crazy!

When we get overwhelmed by all our choices, it can be tempting to throw up our hands and say “I don’t know!” But that’s just not true—we do know! We just need some help finding our way through the mess.

Here are a few tips to help you make better decisions:

Take a step back and assess the situation. Sometimes, when we’re feeling overwhelmed, it can be helpful to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Ask yourself what your priorities are, what your goals are, and what you want to achieve. This can help you to focus on what’s most important and make better decisions.

Identify the options. Once you have a clear idea of what you want, it’s time to start thinking about your options. Write down all the different paths you could take, and don’t worry if some of them seem crazy or impossible. You can always eliminate them later.

Evaluate the pros and cons. Once you have a list of options, it’s time to start weighing the pros and cons of each one. This can help you to see which option is the best fit for you and your goals.

Seek advice from others. Sometimes, it can be helpful to talk to someone else about your decision. Ask for advice from a trusted friend, family member, or mentor. They might be able to provide you with a different perspective or offer suggestions that you hadn’t considered.

Trust your gut. Ultimately, the decision is yours, and you have to trust yourself to make the right one. Trust your instincts, and go with the option that feels right for you.

Remember, making decisions is a skill, and like any skill, it takes practice to get better at it. Keep these tips in mind, and with time, you’ll find that making decisions gets easier and easier.

So how do you make sure your hard-earned wisdom doesn’t get lost in the shuffle? Here are 4 ways:

  • Make A Big Decision

By giving yourself a 48-hour deadline makes you accountable. Set up the responsibility for yourself to help with your decision-making. Share with someone your decision and your deadline, even if they don’t really care. These small decisions could be meeting up with a friend, going for that swim or not, deciding how much to money to spend…

  • Clear Your Slate

Why are you pursing this path? How will this decision benefit you? Have a checklist or a way to measure your success. Get specific about what you want and why you want it, and how you will measure it when you’ve completed your goal.

  • Make Pen Your Pal

Difficult or important decisions should be written down on paper. It becomes sure in your mind when you see it written down. It also prevents you from going into the what-if loops if you keep the idea in without a form in your thoughts. It eliminates stress and pressure.

  • Get a Confidant

The fourth rule for making better decisions is to get an accountability coach or partner. Be sure that this person is not someone who would give up on you, but holds you accountable for taking action on the decisions you make.