Have you ever come across a woman with natural big brown eyes and lovely lashes? Well, most chances are that you met a Taurean. Taurus element is earth, and Taurus Woman could be described as the original mother earth. She is a living symbol of a true lady, Complimenting with her balanced emotions. Taureans are very similar to Virgo Zodiac.

Taurus Woman’s are very down to earth. They indeed prove to be a perfect woman in all aspect. Especially while playing role as a mother. They prove to be the best perfect sacrificing and motivating role as mother of all signs. She is patient and sensible, one of the best qualities she holds.

She can be placid but also stubborn, and an explosive temper lurks underneath. But a Taurus woman’s temper is rarely to be seen. And when you’re the one to see it, then without any second thoughts you know that it was your fault. No side unwanting issues can change her temperament until something serious took place.  She holds a fiery temper underneath, that is not to be shown to everyone.

Taureans can go flat on treats. Not necessarily to some expensive or luxurious place, but even the bay side “food truck” treat makes her happy. A Taurus woman will never hurry to get in a relationship. She is smart and sensible and of course patient to know the man well. She would make a perfect partner for the right person. Taking it slow and easy, she will stay the course until the fruits of her labors blossom into the relationship she wants.

Taken her for granted can give you result of a cold stone,an ice which cannot be broken. She will be in front of you expressionless at such times, and you wouldn’t even know what she’s thinking at that time.

The Taurus woman is generally good at finance, and giving financial advice. She knows how to work the system and get the best out of it. She is not a spender, but she is into luxurious living. However, she will not risk her security to fund it.

Being a practical woman, she definitely looks for security while looking out for a man. She’s not greedy, but a man who does not know how to spend money or earn, then you might easily be out of her sight.

How to impress a Taurean :-

1- Simplicity, being down to earth and mainly being you is the key to Taureans notice.

2- Take her to some treats (small or big she enjoys both)

3- She is a perfect Woman, do not ever even joke about inequalities or discrimination about woman and issues.

4- Buy her some finest imported fabrics and only buy quality clothes. Tailor-made suits are an investment.

5- Never hurry to mold friendship into a relationship. Respect her time to judge.

6- Be knowledgeable about investments and securities. Careless attitude towards money will not impress her.
