Libra the symbol of equilibrium is true to her sign. Ruled by Venus, Charming Librans are great at comforting individuals like cushions & organizing things. Librans are among those who have their clothes with jewelry ready a night before an exciting plan. Still she will enjoy all her time to get ready then all.

Combination of a very magical feminine touch with a tough competitive attitude, differs her personality from all. Librans are socially active and have a gift of communication.Libra’s look very cool and calm but once comforted are Playful, Romantic and partially Adventurous. Librans hold a unique quality of surprising with their constant unexpected activity coming from them.

A true sign of diplomacy, are diplomatic to the core. Never will they point out to the unorganized party planned for them, or to the most annoying person sitting next to them. It is just too rude for them to point out flaws of others.

Talking to an individual, may it be a friend or a stranger, Libran will always keep a filter before speaking. They’ll filter all the negative stuffs and keep it to them and majorly will give you a gift of lovely words, which makes an individual comfortable easy to share their hard times with Librans. Hardly will you find a Libran being too blunt to someone’s flaws, they don’t believe in hurting individual by shooting harsh words but scrupulously impartial Librans can sometimes be painfully honest, surely for again some good reason.

Composed Librans normally do not get heated up too over the top. Until her self-respect is flickered. You play with that one thing and you will be present on the contact list, but always on the answering machine. In an argument, Libran will always try to see other person’s point of view. They believe in cool talks and resolving rather making a fuss and being dramatic. Her judgement can often be faulty but not for long. For the person with goals to meet and places to go, the Libran is perfect.

In love Librans prove to be true to their beloved. Librans seek matched relationship that is harmonious and steady. Opposite do attract, but for a relationship, like qualities will get more of a plus point as they love sharing common interest. Calm, Composed, Responsible man takes the place besides a Libran. Librans make excellent friend and will match up your taste, preference, needs as if they were their own. Librans love company, they surround them with friends and family. Apart from relationships, Librans are found with adventurous company all the time, which satisfies their other naughty and adventurous behavior.

Blessed with a superb taste and a critical eye, never will you find a Libran in fashion crisis. She has a chic taste with unexpected accessory. Perfection for look, Librans always pull out together from perfectly set hair to ironed dress, to lotions and elegant perfumes, never gets out of her sight. Wearing a very light make up with colors matched and coordinated. Libran finds her own style, rather than following fashion. She doesn’t believe in over accessorizing so a small bag with a pair of shoes will put her on the top of the world.


If you are in love with the Libran, here are some tips that might help.

1- Never be too tacky or go lower the standards while talking or dressing.

2- If you can’t stand firm for any small or big decision, you ain’t getting the place besides her.

3- Do not expect her to be the same in front of people compared to your individual space bond.

4- Gift her something that is classy, and over the standards. A fine dining with gift packed of memories or emotions even once a month is perfect than regular unplanned messed up weekend.

5- If she is in her “Tom boy” mood, let her be. Do not try to change her for your good. Remember, she is feminine as well as a strong competitive woman. You be present in her proms she will be there for the football match.

6- Never space her out from her family and friends. She’s an outgoing social individual.

7- A gentle, responsible, funny with a hint of adventurous guy will win her heart.

8- She needs someone who will take her away for a crazy weekend and keep her laughing till her stomach aches.
