It’s time to talk about the Queen of all zodiacs, the lioness. Leo’s are ruled by the sun, the center of the universe. Have you ever just passed by a crowd, and got caught an eye on a unique personality? Well, most chances are that you saw a Leo. Passionate, Humble, Loyal, Sensitive, down to earth lioness adores attention and usually gets it.
Leo Woman sees Life as a “Kingdom”. This Kingdom is held by almost every Leo

Woman and they are undoubtedly the queens of it. They treat themselves as one Respected “Your highness”. Never will you see a Leo woman with “Local” brands. From her hair pin to her shoes should either be branded or unique in its own way. She loves everything Royal or unique, may it be a Date, a dress, Gift, treat, ice cream. Everything should be more than average for her to make happy. She loves expensive gifts but majorly from close ones. Kitty cat loves to get dressed up. You will hardly find a Leo not dressed up perfectly for any occasion or just a simple meeting or may be while going to a super market. Leo tends to fall in love quickly and loves being in long
relationships. She gives a lot of passion in relationship and expects the same in return.

Loyalty is at the top priority she demands, may it be from a partner a friend or a family member. Being the Queen of the Jungle, no roadside Romeo, Slave can pass by any comments on her. She is very Sensitive by heart, if you have just met her, and if you have something to say that is offensive for her, than I would suggest you to better gulp down those words till you get close a bit or she won’t think before getting out those sharp nails out of her claws. Majorly Leo Woman’s are mistaken for her behavior from the outside. Almost everyone who sees a Leo for the first time thinks ‘she is way too much carrying attitude with herself’ but once she attempts to speak a word, is when you will know she is way too down to earth, may be more than you.

Lioness is naturally very short tempered. They can get mad at almost anything that you wouldn’t have imagined. So better be careful while choosing words in front of her. In her kingdom, she treats her close ones and family as none other than Royal. You will never find a Leo showing you back when you need them and she expects the same from you. She is very protective about her family and loved ones. Her way of showing love is very different and it is limited to very few. If you are not the one who’s getting the royal treatment than you need to check your relation with lioness. This Feline sign also carries a great sense of intuition with her.

Kitty speaks her heart. She will not be having those filters while talking or fighting with you. People who play with the Lioness are undoubtedly going to end up getting deep claws in their face. She is not among those who sit cry and forgive, she will rather run behind you tear your face, forgive and then probably will cry. Not even the position of slave will be available for them in her Kingdom. Once out, is always out.

Lioness is the most passionate, Loyal signs of all. Adventurous kitty will keep those dramas alive in your life! She is Extreme in almost everything. She will love insanely and can hate too. A non- diplomatic, straight forward, humble,
adventurous will keep your life happening with some or the other emotion. Leo’s are proved to be great leaders. Hardly might find any Leo working under someone. Lazy for routines but great at work. Her Pride is the utmost jewellery she carries, if she gives her pride away for someone, than she truly has given herself up. If misused this precious gift and you will be hurt as hard as you were Loved. “Only a True King can handle the Queen of the Jungle. So don’t try if you don’t find yourself as one.”

If you are in love with the kitty cat, here are some tips that might help you.
1:- She loves appreciation, but can easily make out the fake ones! So don’t
push too hard.
2:- Gift her anything that is limited or small but Royal or unique.
3:- Choose your words wisely, she’s not that great with taking criticism.
4:- She’ll smell something fishy from far, do not test her intuitions.
5:- Honesty & Loyalty are like Oxygen to her.
6:- She invokes for a King or friend who says “let’s do it” and does, while
she gives all those wild ideas.
7:- Wear colors that are more Royal colors in front of her to get her
8:- Forget her in her bad times OR Fail to be Loyal or Honest to her, you are
either the slave or Kicked out of the kingdom!
9:- Love her truly and she will give away herself to you like never imagined.
10:- You will need to be 10 times more sensitive towards her if she bows
her head and surrenders her pride to you.

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