How To Be Confident While Talking To A Group Of People

What to do when your thoughts are all over the place while having a very important conversation or making a critical presentation?

Let’s first clear the air around the word confidence. 

Here’s the thing, while the physical reactions we all experience when in need of confidence are universal, most of what you are about to read comes from my experience with people who use english as their second language. 

And if I am to offer you a reasonable perspective on how to gain confidence I need to clear the mist around confidence. 

Confidence: a highly overrated and under trained state of mind. (No, don’t frown! And also don’t be relieved. Be alarmed. And listen to what is being said, as you read, preferably in a very soothing and loving voice). 


  1. If you haven’t tried speaking in front of people ever before, you are bound to have butterflies in the stomach. Let them fly. If you make a fool of yourself, try again. 
  1. If you have not prepared for the subject matter that you are to speak on cold feet is what you deserve. Do your best and next time invest your time in preparing for the event. I am certain your life is not 100% spontaneous so practice when given a chance and shine when challenged spontaneously. 
  1. And if you have never tried speaking in front of a group of people but you think you will do it all wrong, please make mistakes and then let’s see if you ‘really’ can do it or not (or come to me, you need help). 
  1. That brings us to people who have tried and failed several times. This one’s for you.

Know this:

Yes it’s real, lack of confidence because of thought scramble. Thought Scramble: a condition that makes your head go all over the place. A complete chaos. No order what so over. Complete lack of structure.


When you feel you are all over the place and are thinking faster than you can speak and feel like you have bitten more than you can chew. Just use an NLP pattern known as collapse anchor and if what you think is really your challenge you may be able to take care of it well. Click here to learn how to complete Collapse Anchor. 

How do I know this works:

I met young sam recently and he had a very pronounced case of Thought Scramble. Click Here for the full story. And if this worked for him it should work for you. 

PS: These patterns are safe and rely heavily on human instincts of self preservation so you should be safe. Go ahead and give it a try!   

Disclaimer: I am a strong believer of human intelligence. And my philosophy is, “if a person could do it they would have done it (worked out of their challenge)”. And I promote Self Care over self help so if you are facing difficulty no matter how big or small. For a proper diagnosis consult a professional.