How I Helped A Young Kid Gain Clarity Of Speech In Just 15 Minutes!

A boy’s journey from inability to speak clearly to fully formed sentences with NLP. 

If you are looking for miracles over here, well, maybe we can call this a miracle but I will try to make the most of your time. 

I recently met a young child, let’s call him Sam, with very pronounced symptoms of thought scramble. So when he spoke you could sense him wanting to say a lot but actually not saying anything that made complete sense. The speech was very rough and a lot of fill in the blanks. 

Example: If he had to say that he read this amazing blog and can’t wait for the next one to come he might say “read…  Blog… amazing… wait.”

Now the challenge wasn’t that he had problems but that everyone around him thought of it to be one of these two things: 

  1. Oh! because he isn’t comfortable or
  2. He doesn’t speak in english that often hence yada yada yada. 

But when I looked at him, he looked confident to me and not only that he also looked driven. Driven to want to speak in english so I refused to take their word for it. I thought to myself, NO, he isn’t uncomfortable with neither me nor the language so something else must be true. 

And I felt as if everything was just floating around inside his head without any proper arrangement. With this educated guess, I decided to do a collapse anchor to verify my guess. I took one of his hands and told him to continue talking to which he agreed. He continued saying his bit, a little bit of this and that. All scrambled.

All of a sudden, I asked him if he liked music and if he sang. After a little encouragement and persuasion, singing he did. I took his other hand and while we moved from one song to another I continued focusing my attention on the moments in which his speech was clear, structured and confident. 

When I was satisfied with the stacked resources in this anchor. I pressed both anchors at once and he trambouled for a very short period (micro seconds) while continuing to sing songs for me from his Justin Beiber playlist.  

It may have taken 15 mins for me to finish this pattern but it was a delight to hear him speak fully formed sentences after a few minutes.It was a beautiful experience.

Pattern used: Collapse anchor

Challenge: Thought Scramble 

Outcome: Speech clarity and fuller well formed sentences.  

Feel free to share your experiences in the comments below. Hopefully it may inspire someone else to make a generative change in their life.

Disclaimer: I am a strong believer of human intelligence. And my philosophy is, “if a person could do it they would have done it (worked out of their challenge)”. And I promote Self Care over self help so if you are facing difficulty no matter how big or small. For a proper diagnosis consult a professional.

  • Anupam Dubey