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Easy Ways to Drink More Water Every Day

For long, people have been asking one question. How to Drink More Water? Everyone knows that drinking water is beneficiary but ways to accept those habits are a real big task and especially with our daily hectic routines. So here are some cheat sheet which will help you to adapt this habit  comforting your routines.

1 – Drink at least 2-3 glasses of water, instantly after you wake up. Drinking water in morning won’t make you want to go pee as much as we drink post that. The main reason is our body need ample amount of water or a fruit after we wake up to function normally. It absorbs almost 60% of water that you consume as the first thing in morning. By the time you are ready to leave for work or college, your almost 1 liter of water is either used up or thrown out.

2 – Having 1 glass of water with every meal that you take, again will be absorbed.

3 – After you come home, make sure to again have 2-3 glass of water (excluding the meal time)

Tip :- If you just can’t gulp down water, you can have substitutes like coconut water, buttermilk (curd, water, salt, mint), add lemon and honey in water.

{You can also add any of your flavors a bit  and keep it overnight like

Holy basilNutmegMintGreen cardamomCumin seed, aniseed etc )  and drink. Keep your 1liter of bottle separate to keep counts.

By following this, you are drinking up to 2 and a half liter of water daily, and it’s good for a start. You can increase the amount by your own preferences.

real concept of diet

 Do you have any sudden meeting to attend and have to be presentable? Has one of your best friend over excitedly decided to get married as short as in a month? Or you want to leave an impression on someone but your belly has just some other intentions, and there is no time to prepare.

One thing that is always an issue is weight! Sometimes in hurry or frustration we opt a very wrong diet which leads us to 10 more problem like aging, pale face, nausea, headaches, mood swings, and eating double the amount of food then before.

One thing we all need to understand is what the term diet means? Diet is eating healthy and avoiding oily food and eating at a right time in right proportion. There are few crash diets which help you lose weight, but they are meant only for head start. Once your weight starts responding positively, slowly you need to start eating everything and maintain the balance. I really mean ”Slowly”

This habit will enable you be consistent in your diet, and enjoy all the luxuries of food. In the following blog is a diet plan for you which will help give your body a head start and get those pounds a bit less, after a month do not continue using the same diet as your body will get used to it. This happens with any of your “crash” diet, which at the end leads a damaged stomach with least capacity of holding any kind of food.

Crash diets are meant to do only for certain period of time, and just to get rid of extra fats for an unplanned occasion. The slower the better is the best and long lasting diet.

Note :- Before starting any diet, please note down things that you like to eat which are less on the oily side and those foods that suits you or describes you best, which makes not only you but also your stomach feel happy. This will enable you to complete what you started.


rules of dieting

Here are some rules that are crucial to follow for a right way of diet.

1- Compulsory eat in every three hours

2- Eat fruit as a meal and not complimentary

3- Avoid juices, Eat Fruits fresh rather

4- There is NOTHING like Diet Aerated drinks, Diet wafers or any other baked snackshowing 50% less oil

5- Band process food / Packed / canned food6- Have at least two liter of water every day.