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10 Subtle & Quick Signs A Guy Likes You – how to know if a guy likes you

The worst thing about dating is that it’s universally acknowledged. If you think you know a guy’s true feelings for you, then… They do something hurtful to you. You can read between the lines and figure out exactly where you stand with a guy if you figure out how to tell if he likes you.

We all want to know if a boy likes us, but it’s not always that easy to tell, which is why knowing how to spot subtle signs of a guy’s interest is critical-especially if you’re looking for love and want to navigate the dating game gracefully.

Here are Quick 10 ways to know for sure if the guy is into you or not.

1- He makes an effort to spend time with you and consistently asks you to hang out.
2- He pays attention to what you say and actively listens to you when you speak.
3- He compliments you and makes an effort to make you feel good about yourself.
4- He touches you, such as by giving you a hug or casually touching your arm while talking.

5- He makes an effort to stay in contact with you, whether through texting, calling, or messaging.
6- He remembers details about you and brings them up in conversation.
7- He makes an effort to make you laugh or smile.
8- He acts differently around you than he does around other people.
9- He opens up to you about personal things in his life.
10- He makes an effort to get to know the people in your life.

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